Monday, February 18, 2008

Who is your BEST FRIEND?

Who is your best friend? It is a common question and we have a different answer. Some people say that their neighbor who share a bad and good memories to them. Others say that his/her co-office worker who is always there for him/her when he/she needed most. Well, what ever our answer the common thing is that our best friend are the people closer to us who is willing to help us and need our help. They are that person who becomes part of our life.

Well, in my life, I have a lot of best friends. First of all is Jesus Christ. He never stops listening to my problems and always there when I need strength to go on in my life. He never stops giving me a sound mind and good health even do for so many times I always tend to forget Him in times of good time.

Second is my self. Well, when it refers to my self I always remember to the saying goes that “Your worst enemy is your best friend”. I always experience that one since I started craving for good things for my life. My self will always hinder me to do good things. He always put me down in times of difficulty. He doesn’t want to absorb changes for the good of my future. He is my best enemy in my plan. But I have to learn to love and patiently teach him to be good. I have to love Him unconditionally because nobody is perfect. Even do he is not that good as I want to be but he is willing to try and accept the changes in a long and time consuming manner. I have to accept him as my best friend because no other person that can help me but my self.

Third is my sweet who’s name is Joy. When I need ears to listen she is always there. When I need a shoulder where I can lean on, she is always there. When times goes wrong she never judges me that I am bad but she encourages me to go on and face my problem. She becomes my trash can in all my fears and discontentment in my life. She never stops loving me the way I am even do I always hurt her. She is the face and hand of Jesus Christ in this world of uncertainty. She is the strongest person I even meet in this barren world.

Finally, my family who is always reinforces me in times of trouble. They are my best friend that I always tend to forget. They have always an open arm when the worst case happens in my life. They give me a place where I can start and go over again when everything fails. They are my last refuge.

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